Welcome and thanks to all members, new and old, who have chosen to be part of the Tri -County Fly Fishers Club. There is not a whole lot happening as summer is in full swing and many of our club members are vacationing or visiting family out of state and our “snowbird” members are back in their home state for the summer.
What's happening?
Project Healing Waters…
We began our program on Tuesday, June 10 at The Villages VA Clinic with one veteran. On hand were Larry Semple, Warren Rassmusen and myself. The first hour was spent teaching fly tying basics and fly casting was taught the second hour. Thank you to Warren and Larry for volunteering their time. The program will continue the 2 nd Tuesday of each month in room 243 at the VA Clinic at 2:00pm.
For more information on PHWFF, please give me a call or if you are not familiar with this organization, please check out their website at:
At our June evening meeting, Captain Rick Burns, along with special guest Captain Michelle Zielecki, spoke about the art of scalloping in Homosassa. On hand was a reporter from The Villages Daily Sun to write an article that will appear in the paper shortly before the season starts July 1. We also had a product presentation by Aaron Symonds from Yimi, Inc., manufacturers of Yimi rods pole anchoring system for both kayaks and boats.
In July, Jill Lingard with Paddle Florida will speak on “The Paddle Florida Experience” and in August, Scott Hennet with Bass Pro Shops will speak to our group about kayak fishing and demonstrate a few of the patterns that work so well for him in the area. I'm trying to secure Mike Hodge, author of a new book for novices or intermediate fly anglers on fly fishing Tampa Bay for our September meeting.
On Tuesday, June 10th, TCFF hosted our “Bass and Bagels” outing (and doughnuts and coffee) at Bonita Pond in The Villages. The event was attended by 11 Club members with several small fish caught.
Trip Chairman Tom Green has suspended our fishing outings during the summer months and will resume again in October. For information and dates for any of the upcoming presentations, events or Club trips, please see our website calendar page.
A special shout out and “thank you” goes to Doug Dombek, Charlie Woolfolk, Jim Bellinghieri and Fred Horn for taking the time to help me move our Club storage unit to its new location on June 19th.
Fly talk…
The Foam Dragon is a creation from the vice of Curtis Fry. It is an excellent summertime pan fish fly. I have tied this fly in both purple and tan and have had great success on Sellers Lake in The Ocala National Forest and Big Pete Lake in Hilochee State Park for big blue gill. Give it try! For more information, go to:
Foam Dragon Recipe:
(I won't mention specific colors, as there is a wide range that can be used)
Hook: TMC 5262; size 8 - 12
Thread : UTC 70 to match color of the fly
Tail: Marabou
Underbody: Synthetic Dubbing
Overbody and indicator: 2mm Craft foam
Legs: Sili-legs or round rubber legs
In the meantime...go fish!