Fly Fishers
Home Page
July, 2014 Edition
Welcome to the Tri-County Fly Fishers Website.  This Club is made up of about seventy Members from rank beginners to those with 50+ years of fly fishing and tying experience.  Fishing interests range from bluegills and bass to redfish and tarpon, with an occasional rainbow or brown trout from up north thrown in.  Membership is drawn from permanent and seasonal residents of those in and around the Florida counties of Lake, Marion and Sumter.
President's Message
Welcome and thanks to all members, new and old, who have chosen to be part of the Tri -County Fly Fishers Club. There is not a whole lot happening as summer is in full swing and many of our club members are vacationing or visiting family out of state and our “snowbird” members are back in their home state for the summer.

What's happening?
Project Healing Waters…
We began our program on Tuesday, June 10 at The Villages VA Clinic with one veteran. On hand were Larry Semple, Warren Rassmusen and myself. The first hour was spent teaching fly tying basics and fly casting was taught the second hour. Thank you to Warren and Larry for volunteering their time. The program will continue the 2 nd Tuesday of each month in room 243 at the VA Clinic at 2:00pm.

For more information on PHWFF, please give me a call or if you are not familiar with this organization, please check out their website at:

At our June evening meeting, Captain Rick Burns, along with special guest Captain Michelle Zielecki, spoke about the art of scalloping in Homosassa. On hand was a reporter from The Villages Daily Sun to write an article that will appear in the paper shortly before the season starts July 1. We also had a product presentation by Aaron Symonds from Yimi, Inc., manufacturers of Yimi rods pole anchoring system for both kayaks and boats.

In July, Jill Lingard with Paddle Florida will speak on “The Paddle Florida Experience” and in August, Scott Hennet with Bass Pro Shops will speak to our group about kayak fishing and demonstrate a few of the patterns that work so well for him in the area. I'm trying to secure Mike Hodge, author of a new book for novices or intermediate fly anglers on fly fishing Tampa Bay for our September meeting.

On Tuesday, June 10th, TCFF hosted our “Bass and Bagels” outing (and doughnuts and coffee) at Bonita Pond in The Villages. The event was attended by 11 Club members with several small fish caught.

Trip Chairman Tom Green has suspended our fishing outings during the summer months and will resume again in October. For information and dates for any of the upcoming presentations, events or Club trips, please see our website calendar page.

A special shout out and “thank you” goes to Doug Dombek, Charlie Woolfolk, Jim Bellinghieri and Fred Horn for taking the time to help me move our Club storage unit to its new location on June 19th.

Fly talk…
The Foam Dragon is a creation from the vice of Curtis Fry. It is an excellent summertime pan fish fly. I have tied this fly in both purple and tan and have had great success on Sellers Lake in The Ocala National Forest and Big Pete Lake in Hilochee State Park for big blue gill. Give it try! For more information, go to:

Foam Dragon Recipe:
(I won't mention specific colors, as there is a wide range that can be used)
Hook: TMC 5262; size 8 - 12
Thread : UTC 70 to match color of the fly
Tail:  Marabou
Underbody: Synthetic Dubbing
Overbody and indicator: 2mm Craft foam
Legs: Sili-legs or round rubber legs

In the meantime...go fish!
Private Lake Bass
Not too bad for his first bass of the year, Doug Dombek caught this really nice bass at a private lake. It was caught on a muddler minnow using a sink tip line.
Dads for Boys Presentation
On Saturday, May 31st, Club President Larry presented a $100.00 check, 14 fishing rods & reels, a tackle box and rod stand, to John Pyle, founder of the Dads For Boys Ranch on Lake Yale. Pictured, from L to R, are Larry Nazzaro, John Pyle, Jim Devine, Doug Dombek and Chris Lyndrup.

Below is an open letter to the club from Jim Pyle:

Good Morning ,
I just want to thank your organization for the wonderful volunteer work you have done for the kids at the Dads for Boys and Girls Ranch. You have inspired them and us on the importance of using the outdoors and learning new skills and fly fishing. We received the dozen fishing rods, rack and check form you and thank you very . These rods will touch the lives of many fatherless boys as we will allow many of them to earn the equipment as they learn to fish. One boy Ryan 16 years old that participated in you last event here is so excited about fly fishing that we are planning a trip to the Smithgall Woods, GA, to the WMA Duke's Creek trophy stream where only 15 fisherman can enter the 5 miles of protected waters at a time.

A special invitation to all members - Visit the Lake Yale ranch anytime as our guest to use the BBQ facilities ,launch you kayaks or use our pontoon or other boats .
Just call Jim at 352-669-0000.with a date.

Thank You and blessing to all for your help and we look forward to many more events with your club at the Boys Ranch.

Sincerely ,
John Pyle - Founder
www.Dads for Boys .org - celebrating 25 years
Fathering the Fatherless & Mentoring Youth at Risk

Looking For Someone To Write Grants
The TCFF is looking for someone to write grant applications to help financially support the Project Healing Waters Program, Dads For Boys Ranch and our community projects. This would be an excellent opportunity for one or two of our non-permanent residents to help out the Club. If you are interested in taking on this task, please contact Club President Larry Nazzaro.
"An angler is a man who
spends rainy days sitting
around on the muddy banks
of rivers doing nothing
because his wife won't
let him do it at home." 
-- Author Unknown
North Carolina Fly Fishing Expedition
by Tom Green
Fred Horn and Bob Heinbach got to my house about 8:00am on May 17th and we got loaded up and headed out to Cherokee, North Carolina. We were leaving about one hour behind Charlie Woolfolk and Bob Strunc. We all got up to Cherokee about 6:00pm and proceeded to unload our gear. Next up was heating up Becky's delicious (because someone else made it) homemade chili. After dinner, Frank Matousek and David Smith stopped by and we talked about their fishing the week before we arrived. By all accounts, their week was semi-successful.

The Ole Smoky Cabins, where we were staying, back up against the Oconaluftee River which has excellent fishing from the back of the cabins. This location provides easy access from the bridge which is right up the road or, there are trails that lead down to the river from the cabins.

The trophy waters, which are on the Reservation, are within one mile of the cabins and accessible from Big Cove Road. Because the trophy waters are on the Cherokee Reservation, permits are needed to fish. Bob and Fred, on our last day, caught many rainbows and browns averaging over 4.5 pounds. If you are a wader, the trophy waters make is very easy to fish with its flat bottom and easy access.

We spent the most time fishing on the upper Natahalia which is above the power plant. Duke Energy and North Carolina Fish and Game have gone to great lengths in some areas along the Natahalia to make access easy for the physically challenged.

Many fish were caught up and down this particular stretch of river. Dr. Bob and Fred also liked to fish along Old River Road, which is about four miles above the power plant. This is a picturesque area that is plentiful with rainbows and browns.

On Tuesday we had a guided river trip on the Tuckasegee River. Charlie and Bob fished with Curtis, who is a guide with Rivers Edge Outfitters in Cherokee, while Fred and I fished with Jeff, also of Rivers Edge Outfitters. We started on the Tuc just north of Silva, which was a great put in. Along this stretch of river you can catch browns and rainbows. Most fish averaged about 15-20 inches. Fred and I had a good day catching many rainbows and browns. About half-way down a hot shore lunch was provided by River's Edge Outfitters where Bob hooked up with us for lunch since he was wading that stretch of the Tuc. By his account, he was having a fair day.

As Fred and I continued to drift down the Tuc, I had to utilize my lip-strip method when a 20-25 inch brown took my fly. Unfortunately, I'm a little bit rusty on the lip and strip. Needless to say, I lost the fish. As we got down to Rivers Bend at the bridge, a nice hatch started. Fred loaded up his tippet with some nice dry flies; he casted and caught and caught and casted.

We continued drifting down the Tuc and many fish were caught and released. We all finally made it to Tom's Cabin which is the take out point for fishing this portion of the river. Charlie was happy while Bob was happy and exhausted! Fred and I both had a great day. That evening I suggested to Curtis, Jeff, Bob and Fred that we have dinner in Bryson City. There is a little Italian Restaurant just down from Deep Creek that would make the places in Rome shiver. Good food and conversation were had by all.

The next day Fred and I had intended to float the lower Tuc from Tom's Cabin to Dilsburg, but because of water levels, we re-floated the same area as the day before. Once again, the trout Gods were with us. With Jeff's keen eye, the right flies were used and fish were caught. Just another GREAT day on the Tuc. All in all, in the 35 years that I've been going to this part of North Carolina to fish, our week weather-wise, fish-wise and people-wise, made the trip well worthwhile.

In recapping the week's fishing, we all agreed we would probably spend another day fishing the trophy waters above the cabins. Somewhere prowling around the pylons of the bridge, there is an elusive 14+ pound rainbow!! We are planning another trip in May 2015. If you get a spur in your moccasin and want a good time, I suggest you come along for the grandiose fishing, good lying and conversation in the Smoky Mountains. (Additional pictures are posted on the Photo Album.)

Jon B. Cave's Performance Fly-Fishing School
Continuing Education for the Most Discriminating Fly fisher
Jon Cave's Performance Fly-Fishing School is one of the premier programs in the country. Thousands of students have attended his schools including guides, fly shop owners, and casting instructors as well as avid anglers seeking the very best in fly casting instruction.

Like all Performance Fly-Fishing Schools, this comprehensive 5-session extended course (identical to one formerly offered by Jon for over 25 years at Seminole State College) is designed to take both beginning and highly experienced anglers from the fundamentals of fly casting to the most advanced techniques. Class meets twice a week in the late afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 1/2 consecutive weeks beginning at 6 pm and continuing until dark (normally at least past 8:30 pm in order to take advantage of summer's increase in daylight). The additional class hours provided over a 2 1/2 week period can yield remarkable results for those willing to put in the additional time. The 5-session extended school also affords students the advantage of having additional time between classes to better assimilate the detailed instruction and to perfect newly acquired skills.

Because class size is limited, Jon customizes the instruction for each student based on their individual experience, ability, and needs. Consequently, individuals at all skill levels can benefit regardless of whether they're making their first cast or just in need of a little tune-up. Topics covered include various casting strokes, distance casting, casting with accuracy, the double-haul, the pick-up, equipment, knots, and leader construction. Furthermore, the course reviews in-depth tactics, strategies, and techniques used to fly-fish for various species in fresh and salt waters. Recommended reading: Performance Fly-Casting by Jon B. Cave available at the school, bookstores, and on-line for under $15.

Jon's unique and easy-to-understand instruction includes lectures, demonstrations, visual aids and lots of patient hands-on experience that will quickly make you a highly efficient caster. All classes are conducted at a private casting pond in the Black Hammock near Oviedo, Florida where each student is afforded time to test their new skills for bass and bream at the completion of class. Enrollment fee is $295 per student for the complete class. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to assure a spot. Balance is due on the first day of class. *Please note that this school can only be offered during the months when Daylight Savings Time allows sufficient time in the afternoon for classes to be held after 6 pm – sometime between June 1 to September 30.

Next Comprehensive Extended 5-Session School begins: Tuesday, July 22
beginning at 6:00 pm (if you like, feel free to arrive as early as 5:30 to begin instruction)

Enroll early as class size is limited and openings always fill quickly. Call or email for availability.
Please make deposit check payable to Jon B. Cave and mail it with name and phone number to:
Jon Cave's Complete Fly-Fishing Schools

2280 Packard Ave.
Oviedo, FL 32765 USA
Tel: (407) 977-0659

Visit or for more info. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Lessons Learned by Ed Rapisardi
How often have we who teach casting heard the same question from new students, “Can you cast the entire fly line”. My answer is, yes, but why? Do you think a 90 foot cast is required in fishing?

It has been said, time and again, that most fish are caught within 40 feet of the fly fisherman. Sure there are times when a 50 or 60 foot cast is required and an accomplished caster should be able to cast at least 70 feet with accuracy, but beyond that all control is lost and more than likely you will not feel the take and fail to set the hook in time even if you managed to get to your target.

Learning the Double Haul is a challenge for most in the beginning as it requires precise timing and line control, all of which come with constant practice. Good casters never stop practicing despite the fact that they are good casters.

The second question is the “Best rod to buy”. There is no best rod. I firmly believe that no rod is a bad rod any longer. Even the finest rod manufacturers have their less costly rods made in first Japan, then Korea and now in China. Those folks are given the specifications for the rod in question if not, the mandrels and materials required. With that in mind they are free to use those same or similar specs and materials to create their own brand of fly rods. If a lesser costing rod is tried and does what you expect of it that that is the best rod. No question about most high end rods being fine instruments, but professional testing of some of those rods have brought disappointing results -- and were out performed by their less costly counterparts. This is a proven fact and not my opinion!

If you order a mail order rod or buy one at a fly shop, be certain that you can return it if you do not like it and, if store bought, try it before you buy it.

Most good casters can get the best out of a rod and often I hear “he can even cast with a broomstick“

Remember, “It ain't want you do, it is the way that you do it”.

Until next time then, keep your fly dry and watch your backcast.    Ed Rapisardi

(All Lessons Learned archived here.)
Breakfast Meeting Minutes
TCFF monthly business meeting -- June 4, 2024 -- Pembroke Grill in Leesburg.

Twenty-four members and guests present which included two new perspective members.

May Meeting Minutes read and approved as presented.

Treasurers report present by Chris Lyndrup -- report read and approved as presented.

Chris Lynrup gave a follow up report on the fund raiser and purchase of equipment for the Dad's For Boys Ranch. Members of the Ranch were present at the meeting and gave a short presentation of their appreciation for the efforts of the Club.

Project Healing Waters was again discussed with a short review of the first meeting including several suggestions for upcoming meetings which would be moved to the 2nd Tuesday of the month. The next meeting was scheduled for June 10th at the VA facility on Hwy 42 in The Villages, FL.

Upcoming programs:
  • June 18th -- Rick Burns on Scalloping in the Homosassa River
  • July 16th -- Paddle Florida Group
  • August 20th -- Kayak Fishing with a representative from “Bass Pro Shop”
  • September 14th -- Open date
  • October 15th -- Larry Nazzaro will speak about fly fishing in Colorado.
Tom Green spoke about upcoming fishing trips, both local and away
  • 6/10 -- Bass and Bagel -- Bonita Pond in the Villages and this will be the last Club fishing trip until October.
  • October proposed overnighter in the Ft Myers area with Andrea Strohman of “Kayak Charters”
Old Business: No discussion

New business:

New member integration program need:
  • Member Mentor Program
  • Information packets of the area
  • Packet of flies
“Facebook” page to be set up by Larry Nazzaro to direct more eyes to the Club Website.

New Club storage unit will cost of $53.00/month.

George Hintz -- for web site inputs: need timely presentation of information to be included in the upcoming publications.

Bob Strunc was recognized for his great article in the web site on the “Belize” trip with help by several club members who went ont hat trip.

It was noted the “Beef O Brady's” in Wildwood will become the official meeting spot for club members getting together before the Wednesday evening meetings. Meet at 4:30 PM.

50/50 drawing -- Lucky Ron Gryn

A short discussion ensued about the availably of grant monies available to clubs. If anyone in the club has any expertise in this area, please let it be known. The club is looking for someone to research and submit forms.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30pm

Submitted by Secretary Joe Manjoine
The Club welcomes any questions, comments, complaints, ideas, whatever -- just contact us at [email protected]
--------- Fishin' Buddy Program ---------
Based on a program set up by the Mangrove Coast Fly Fishers to encourage its boat owners to go fly fishing with those who do not have access to boats, the TCFF is modifying its Fishin’ Buddy Program to be less restrictive as to when and where Members fish.

The Boat Owners signing up will be acknowledged at the Breakfast and Evening meetings and on the TCFF Website. It will be up to the Club Member wanting to fish to contact the Boat Owner, compare fishing styles, etc., and, by mutual agreement, whether or not to fish.
(As always, it is appropriate to share expenses.)
Boat Owner Gary Christie
Days available for fishing: Monday and Friday
15' bass boat
Areas Fished:  Local Lakes
Boat Owner Bill Kirchner Days available for fishing: Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday
16.5 ft Fisher
Areas Fished:  Harris Chain of Lakes
Boat Owner Bob Strunc Days available for fishing: Tuesday and Friday
Grumman 17' bass boat w/50 HP
Areas Fished:  Lake Harris
For information or to sign-up as a Boat Owner wanting to participate
in this program, contact Frank Matousek.


--------- Fly Fishing With Tom ---------
Monthly Club Fly Fishing Trips

Because of the heat and the unpredictable weather, both Club fresh and salt water fishing trips have been cancelled for July, August and September.
Near Term Calendar (For long term calendar with full details, Click Here.)
(Special events are in Blue)
  • July 2nd (Wednesday) -- Monthly Breakfast Meeting. The Pembrook Grill of Pembrook Fairways, Leesburg.
  • July 8th (Tuesday) -- Project Healing Waters. Veterans Administration Clinic on Highway 42 in The Villages. 2:00-4:00. For information or to participate, contact Larry Nazzaro.
  • July 16th (Wednesday) -- Wednesday Evening Meeting. Wildwood Community Center. 7:00pm. (See Directions at bottom of page.) Jill Lingard with Paddle Florida will speak on the “Paddle Florida Experience: Exploring and Preserving the Real Florida”.
  • August 6th (Wednesday) -- Monthly Breakfast Meeting. This month only, the Breakfast Meeting will be held at Denny's on 441/27 on the north side of Leesburg across from Walmart. The address is 2480 Citrus Blvd. 8:00.
  • August 12th (Tuesday) -- Project Healing Waters. Veterans Administration Clinic on Highway 42 in The Villages.
  • August 20th (Wednesday) -- Wednesday Evening Meeting. Wildwood Community Center. 7:00pm. The guest speaker will be Scott Hennet of Bass Pro Shops will do a presentation on Kayak Fishing.

Club Photo Album
Topics For The Fly Tyer, Pattern Recipes, And Fly Tying Classes
Fly Fishing Trip Info And Trip Reports
Salt Water And Freshwater Fly Fishing Techniques And Hints
Links to Fly Fishing Information, Organizations, Magazines, Vendors, Etc. and Club Lending Library Inventory
Classified Ads -- Fishing And Boating Related Items, For Sale And Wanted

Comments or Questions about the Website or the TCFF, please email the Webmaster

Keywords: Marion County, Sumter County, Lake County, Ocala, Leesburg, The Villages, Gulf, Mosquito Lagoon, North Central Florida, Harris Chain, Holly Chain, saltwater, flyfishing, fishing club, fishing clubs, Lake Griffin, Belleview, Florida fly fishing, fly fishing Florida.